Fitness: importance of physical fitness

benefits of being physically active

In today’s generation, health related practices decreased. This results in lack of outdoor games and daily exercises. Problem can lead to harmful effects in our young generation’s body. Without exercise, their growth will be quite effected in a negative manner. PSB Gym is encouraging youth to have at least 15 minutes of practice daily. We have 24 hour fitness service available. We provide  free monthly subscription of Gym for one month. This will help customers to continue exercise after one month routine. Exercise is the only way to make young generation’s life healthy. We hope it will attract people and will motivate them to have exercises to stay fit and healthy.

Calories Required per Day

Calories Requirement
Diet chart

The focus of our last quarter was spreading awareness regarding importance of health and fitness. In today’s time, Gym exercises attracting our young generation leading them to healthy life. Now, we are going to discuss one of the important factor which plays an important role in developing healthy and fit body. You guys might heard about the words “Proper Dieting”, but most of the people are not aware what does these phrases actually means and take it in a different approach, According to us, a proper diet should be in this way that your body is getting all the required nutrition’s. For protein, we prefers mango almond protein which is good for health and do not have any side effect, along with protein, we advice our customers to consume salads, and proper food. Also, we have a guide ready according to weight and age of people, to use our special protein, which will surely help our customers.

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