Expertly handcrafted latte art for Coffee Lovers

How could your latte be even MORE self-indulgent (in all the right ways)? PSB cafe is for you. 

Welcome to PSB Cafe, a place where we take your coffee experience to the next level! Our expert baristas handcraft each latte with precision and care, ensuring that every sip is a rich and velvety experience. From delicate hearts to intricate swirls, our baristas can create latte art that is truly mesmerizing. So come to PSB Cafe and treat yourself to a latte experience that is truly one-of-a-kind. We have our expertly handcrafted latte art for Coffee Lovers

At PSB Cafe, we understand that a latte is more than just a beverage – it’s a ritual of indulgence that you deserve. That’s why we offer a personalized experience that caters to your unique tastes and preferences.


Our approach to handcrafted latte art for Coffee buffs

expertly handcrafted latte art for coffee lovers

At PSB Cafe, we believe that every cup of latte is a work of art. Our belief is that every cup of latte is a unique creation that deserves attention to detail and care.

First, our barista prepares expertly handcrafted latte art for Coffee Lovers carefully selecting the coffee beans. We source our coffee beans from local roasters who use only the highest quality beans.

Once we have selected the coffee beans, our skilled baristas then take great care in preparing the latte. They start by carefully steaming the milk to the perfect temperature, ensuring that it is smooth and creamy. They then pour the milk into the espresso, using precise techniques to create a beautiful and balanced latte.


Latte art by our Barista for Coffee lovers:

Expertly handcrafted latte art for Coffee Lovers

Our baristas are trained to create a wide range of latte art. Designs range from classic heart and rosetta patterns to more complex designs like swans, tulips, and animals. Each latte is a unique work of art that our customers can enjoy. We take pride in our baristas’ ability to create visually stunning designs.

To create these beautiful designs, our baristas use high-quality tools and techniques. We use specialized milk pitchers, known as latte art pitchers, for precise pouring and control. Our baristas also use specialized latte art tools, such as etching tools, to create intricate designs on the foam which are expertly handcrafted latte art for Coffee lovers.


Custom Designs on latte art

Every occasion is unique and special, and we believe that our handcrafted latte art designs can help make your event even more memorable. That’s why we offer custom latte art designs for special occasions, such as birthdays, weddings, and corporate events.

Our skilled baristas can create custom latte art designs based on your preferences and specifications, making each latte a unique and personalized work of art. Whether you want a specific design, logo, or message, our baristas can create a custom design that will impress your guests and make your event even more special.

To create a custom latte art design, we work closely with our customers to understand their preferences and specifications. Our baristas use their skills and experience to bring your vision to life and create a design that is both visually stunning and personalized to you.


Come, Sip a Selfiecinno!

Expertly handcrafted latte art for Coffee Lovers

We are taking people’s love for coffee and social media to a whole new level. While they can only be called a Selfiecinno where a photo is printed directly into the foam of the coffee using a specially made printer. The printer combines 3D printer mechanics, inkjet printing technologies. The ink is a coffee extract dispends from an inject-like cartridge.

We use printed minuscules from each amount of coffee extract, there is no effect on the quality or flavour of the beverage. The machine does not just print selfies. It can also print pre-made inspirational messages, shapes, and pictures. There are even colour inject coffee foam printers that are capable of printing photos in full colour to the surface of the coffee foam. Colour printing is edible and made from food colouring. So this means that it is completely safe to consume this coffee and there is no extra flavour or taste.

To drink your face, all you need to do is text your favorite selfie to our Barista, which then is downloaded and put into a machine they call the Cino. Additionally, the machine imprints that very selfie into your drink using a flavorless food coloring agent, and the whole process takes just four minutes. It’s not enough anymore to just deliver great food and great service. It’s got to be Instagram-worthy! You can even get a portrait of your favorite furry friend, aka a Puppyccino!

We believe that latte art is not only visually stunning but also enhances the overall coffee-drinking experience, and we strive to provide our customers with the best latte art designs possible.

To find out additional information about our sustainability please click the link below

Sustainable Shade-Grown Coffee In Mississauga.

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